"It is a beautiful show of community solidarity. Each of us has our home parish but every parish steps up to support St. Joe’s."
Picnic 174 is coming, and in honor of its longstanding, rich history, we’re asking some of our Picnic attendees, volunteers, and sponsors to tell us about their most cherished Picnic memory. Deacon Scott Haner of St. Patrick Catholic Church shares a few of his favorites. The St. Joe’s Picnic for the Kids is presented by Arby’s Foundation.
Best picnic moment: The annual Picnic was almost a family reunion. My family ran the Beer Booth from 1937 until 2015, starting with my grandfather, Ray Haner, then my uncle, Bob Haner Sr., then my cousin, Bob Haner Jr. Everyone gathered – some to work and some to socialize. Everyone ventured out to play the booths, enjoy the chicken dinner, bratwursts, and consume an ice-cold beer when we were old enough. I went to my first Picnic when I was 10 months old. Once you started, it was expected that you would report for duty every year as long as you were able. Many friends came to help over the years. The picnic became an annual opportunity to stay connected.
A personal connection: My grandmother was an orphan in the 1920’s at the former St. Thomas/St. Vincent home. The foundation of her faith was formed by the good Sisters that served there. Ray and Leona Haner believed in giving back and the whole family followed their lead. I was taught by the Ursuline Sisters at St. Raphael School in the 1960’s. The Ursulines served at the home for over 100 years. I always enjoyed seeing some of the Sisters at the annual picnic.
His favorite part of Picnic: It is a beautiful show of community solidarity. Each of us has our home parish but every parish steps up to support St. Joe’s. If you “people watch” among the crowd, you will see people from every part of town, from all walks of life, young and old, all coming together as one. In a world that seems to focus on what separates us, it’s nice to come together and celebrate what we can do together to make the word a better place.
Don’t miss this weekend of mega fun: live music, food (CHICKEN DINNER IS BACK), games, and raffles. Thank you to the Arby’s Foundation for being the Presenting Sponsor of Picnic 174. Pre-purchase your food, beverage, activities, and wristbands. When you pre-purchase online, you can choose to have your tickets mailed to you if done before July 31. WHEN: August 11, 5-10 p.m. and August 12, 12 p.m. – midnight WHERE: On the St. Joe’s lawn – come ready to have a good time and support our #sjkids.