" My sister and I are too old now to work the booth, but we still enjoy coming to quilt on Wednesday each week. I have been a member of the Sewing Society for 24 years. I plan to keep coming as long as possible. "
When they were kids, Lois Pendleton (right) and her sister Joy Brumleve would spend their money at the doll wheel during Picnic in hopes of winning a storybook doll. In the spirit of Picnic 174, we are asking volunteers, sponsors, and attendees to share stories about their fondest Picnic memories. Joy Brumleve and her sister Lois Pendleton have had three generations of family who have either quilted or served at St. Joe’s. The St. Joe’s Picnic for the Kids is presented by Arby’s Foundation.
Best picnic moment – Joy says: My best memory of the St. Joe’s Picnic is when I was a child. The Picnic was held on Wednesday, and we enjoyed all of the booths and prizes. We were so happy when we won a cake. Lois says: Working in the special quilt wheel selling chances to all the people coming to the booth and seeing many people who I hadn’t seen in years. What makes Picnic special – Lois says: All the nice people and family members you get to see and talk to that I will not see again until next year. My sister and I are too old now to work the booth, but we still enjoy coming to quilt on Wednesday each week. I have been a member of the Sewing Society for 24 years. I plan to keep coming as long as possible. Their personal connection – Lois says: I remember when I was a child and my mother, grandmother, and aunt all quilted at St. Joe’s at different times. My mother would bring my sister and I to the Picnic on the bus. One year after leaving the event, we missed our connecting bus, so we had to walk nearly two miles to home. I felt so guilty, because Mom had worked all day long at Picnic serving meals in the dining room. We missed the connecting bus probably because Joy and I still had some nickels in our pockets and were playing the doll wheel so that we could win a storybook doll. The dolls were six or seven inches tall. We usually won one or two every year and had a whole case full of them. Between the two of us we had 25 dolls. We just thought they were wonderful. Don’t miss this weekend of mega fun: live music, food (CHICKEN DINNER IS BACK), games, and raffles. Pre-purchase your food, beverage, activities, and wristbands. When you pre-purchase online, you can choose to have your tickets mailed to you if done before July 31. WHEN: August 11, 5-10 p.m. and August 12, 12 p.m. – midnight WHERE: On the St. Joe’s lawn – come ready to have a good time and support our #sjkids.