"I am watching so much love grow in our family. I can see the love our kids have…love is just so beautiful.”
Photo by @jess.amburgey When we interviewed the Daly family in 2023, they had adopted their then 2-year-old daughter Lulu and talked about plans of keeping their home open for other foster children. “John and I knew we wanted to foster again. We both came from big families, and we think there is so much value in having siblings for the kids,” Katie says. At the end of August, they moved into a larger home with the intent of expanding their family, then on September 10th, they began fostering a medically fragile baby girl.
*Baby A has chronic lung disease, retinopathy of prematurity and must be fed using a gastrostomy tube, but the Dalys have remained steadfast in giving her the care she needs – and the kids enjoy having a baby in the house. “They kiss her every morning before they leave for school and as soon as they return home they can’t wait to see where she is…they always ask to hold her and Mark gives her her nebulizer.”
Lulu is talking and walking independently. Lulu, now 4, is taking the new role of big sister seriously. “Lulu brings her toys, sits with the baby and she blows the baby kisses. She will say, ‘Hi baby, hi baby.’ I am watching so much love grow in our family. I can see the love our kids have…love is just so beautiful.”
The rosebush in the backyard of their new home was a harbinger of things to come. Read part one of the Dalys’ story and you’ll understand its significance. “It is the most misplaced rosebush, and it isn’t part of the landscaping,” says Katie. P.S. We have an upcoming foster care training on November 23rd. For more details, contact Lisa Barber-Atwell at info@sjkids.org.