Every child deserves safety and love. If you or someone you know suspects abuse, report it here.

Make An Impact That Lasts A Lifetime

When you become a St. Joe’s volunteer, you are advancing our mission of creating a brighter future for every child in our diverse community. Our St. Joe’s kids rely on us for love, stability, and comfort, but we can’t do it alone. Your time is a precious gift that allows us to provide more services for them. Let’s chat about how you can get involved.

Foster Care Volunteer – Ages 18+

Volunteers are needed for childcare during monthly support groups and training sessions weekdays from 6-8pm.  Must be at least 18+ years old or older.

Child Development Center Volunteer – Ages 14+

If you are interested in being a Child Development Center program volunteer, assistants are needed to help our teachers prepare for activities, clean classrooms, and engage students in play. These opportunities are available Monday-Friday between 10am-12pm or 2:30-5pm. Volunteers must be at least 14+ years old or older.

Maintenance Operations Volunteer – Ages 14+

We welcome volunteers who can complete operations projects, i.e. civic, business and school groups that are able to help us maintain our building and grounds. One-time volunteer opportunities are available as needed. Must be at least 14 years old or older.

Picnic Volunteer – All ages

St. Joe’s Picnic For the Kids has been going on longer than the Kentucky Derby and is the largest fundraiser hosted by the home. Held during the second weekend of August, Picnic brings the community together in an effort to raise needed funding for Kentucky’s most abused and neglected children. Volunteer opportunities include being a Zone Leader, working in raffle or gaming booths, serving beer, as well as assisting guests in the Chicken Dinner area. Typically, volunteers work for four-hour shifts.

Volunteers are also needed to help with set-up of booths, etc. before Picnic, and to help with clean-up and tear-down of booths after Picnic.

This is the perfect time for students to earn service hours or for businesses to complete community service projects. Become a part of Picnic history and sign up today!

Become a volunteer today!

Fill out the form to get started.