Every child deserves safety and love. If you or someone you know suspects abuse, report it here.

How long is your waiting list?

The length of our waitlists can vary depending on the age of the child and the time of year. Typically, we have anywhere from 50 to 150 children, ranging in age from infant to 5 year olds, on the waiting list at any given time.

Are any families given priority on the list?

First priority is given to families with siblings already enrolled in the program, employees of St. Joe’s, and St. Joe’s foster families. All other families are offered spots in the order the child was placed on the waiting list and the application fee was paid.

How long should I expect to wait for a spot?

We are a year-round program and will enroll children at any time during the year when spots are available. However, most families are contacted by March and offered a spot for the next school year that starts mid-August. The length of time an individual family is on the waitlist varies greatly, depending on the age of the child and the time of year that they join the waiting list.

What happens when you have an opening for our child?

When an opening becomes available, we will notify the family by phone and/or email. The family will be given a deadline to respond. If the family chooses to accept the spot, they will begin the process of admissions, which includes paying the non-refundable enrollment and supply fee. If the family chooses to decline the spot, they can remain on the waiting list for a later opening. If a family does not respond by the deadline given, we will assume that the family has found other childcare arrangements and will remove the family from the waitlist at that time.

If we do not get a spot, or choose to decline a spot, will we be refunded the application fee?

The application fee is non-refundable.

Do you offer part time enrollment?

At this time, we only have full time enrollment options. All tuition rates are for full time care 5 days a week. Attendance is not required. Families may choose for their child to attend all 5 days, or only part of the week. However, weekly fees are not adjusted for absences, vacations, or holidays.

Can a family unenroll for the summer months?

Due to staffing and budget demands, if a family chooses to unenroll for the summer, the CDC cannot guarantee that a slot will be available the following August. The family would be placed on the waitlist for a future spot.

What are your hours of operation?

We strive to be a daycare that meets the needs of working families. We are open Monday through Friday from 7 AM to 6 PM. While the center is open 11 hours per day, we do not recommend longer than a 9-hour day for children.

Do you follow the JCPS schedule?

We do not follow the JCPS schedule. We are a year-round program. We do close for nine holidays (New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Jr Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day) and three professional development days (the Friday before and the Monday after St. Joe’s Picnic, and either Indigenous People’s Day in October or President’s Day in February). If a holiday falls on a weekend, the center will be closed the Friday prior or Monday after the holiday. Tuition is not reduced for holidays, professional development, or other center closures.

In addition to these closures, the CDC closes at 4 PM one day per month for professional development for teachers. Dates for early release days will be given to families in August for the entire school year.

Does the center follow JCPS decisions regarding inclement weather?

No. St. Joe’s Child Development Center makes an independent decision regarding any closures related to inclement weather. The center makes every effort to be open to provide services for families. Typically, during inclement weather, the center opts for a delayed opening or early closure rather than being closed. Families are notified of the decision using our parent communication application.

Does the center provide meals for children?

St. Joe’s CDC participates in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP), also known as the Federal Food Program. The center provides breakfast, lunch and snacks for children in attendance. Weekly menus are provided.

Learn more about the Child Development Center

Interested in learning more?

Contact the Child Development Center