With nearly three decades spent working as a child welfare advocate, Amanda Gehring, CEO of St. Joseph Children’s Home, knows that implementing changes in the Kentucky foster care system is about blending compassion with methodical decision-making. From frontline to administrative work at DCBS, Amanda understands the complexities of working in a field where the situation of foster kids is dire. In her role at St. Joe’s, she is looking at new opportunities for continued growth of the organization. High-spirited and funny, Amanda describes herself as a leader who is transparent and always willing to help her colleagues be their best.
Her Family
Husband: Will
Children: William, Peyton (husband – Nathan), Ian, Ethan, Sydney and Aubrey
Grandchildren: Paislee (7), Isaac (5), Gabriel (1) and Adelina (arriving very soon!)
What inspired you to take on this leadership role in child welfare, and what motivates you to make a difference in this field?
I feel a very strong commitment, very strong passion towards kids in care, especially kids who don’t have permanency options, identified for them. St Joe’s is a perfect way to use all the experience and knowledge I have to help benefit the agency; but then I can also be a strong advocate for our kids and identify permanency options for those who are in foster care that are not able to go home. If that’s adoption through a St. Joe’s foster home, then fabulous.
If it’s not, we have a wealth of resources and sister agencies, and maybe there’s something that will better fit a child there. Their behaviors, thoughts, and actions are driven by their experiences and their trauma. It’s bigger than they know how to manage, so I feel very pulled to do everything I can to advocate for those kids. It drives me insane to think about the anxiety a child must feel when they don’t have the security of knowing: ‘I’m going to school today and I’m coming home and I’m staying here forever. It’s OK if I make a mistake. It’s OK if I do something that is age appropriate and normal teenage kind of growing pains and mistakes, because they’re still going to be here for me.’ There are too many kids who don’t have that security.
If kids have to be in residential care, it should be someplace like St Joe’s. I’ve had the opportunity to be in other facilities and the environment … it feels hopeful, it feels bright.
You can tell that the culture of the agency is very strong and positive, and people genuinely like working here. When you talk to people and ask them about why they work at St Joe’s, the first thing they say is, ‘It’s about the kids.’ I hear that from everybody, and it’s such a great environment. I’m delighted to be here.
How do you see the organization evolving to meet the changing needs of children and families, and what innovations or initiatives are you excited to explore?
Now that we have this beautiful space, it’s time to continue looking at the ways that the Child Development Center can grow – whether that’s growing in size, classrooms or opportunities to support our families and our kids that use the CDC as a resource. Our behavioral health outpatient service is a huge opportunity for growth. What opportunities do we have in our immediate vicinity? What opportunities do we have with state kids and ways that we can partner with DCBS and Jefferson County Public Schools for kids who need to be placed? With the change in the demographics and the kinds of needs that kids have these days there, it’s nothing like I’ve ever seen before in my career. They’re much more acute. We used to have a balance of older and younger kids, but now it’s largely older teenage kids who don’t have strong family connections. They don’t have good coping mechanisms and skills. Looking towards the future, is there an opportunity for us as an agency to explore ways to better support or differently support youth that are that transitional age of 18 to 21? Could we ever get to a place where independent living might be an option for St Joe’s? Are there ways that we could do coaching and mentoring and lived experience, peer support, with kids who have aged out of care? Is there a way for them to help mentor our kids, because they have street cred. They’re just able to connect with those youth in a way that we can’t, because we haven’t lived where they’ve lived.
What values or principles guide your decision making, and how do you prioritize the needs of children and families with that?
Any decision we make has to be focused on the kids. We have to consider safety, and I don’t just mean physical safety. I mean psychological safety and emotional safety.
When I’m making decisions, it’s not just about any one child, or one family. You have to widen that lens and step back. Ask yourself: What are the potential unintended consequences? How many people is this really going to benefit? Is it a large portion, or a small portion of the population we’re trying to serve? Is it going to meet the needs of the vast majority of families, or only a very small number? And if it is a small number, is it still worth that decision? What are the potential, unintended consequences of that?
I’m not a reactionary decision maker. I like to have as much information as possible. I like to engage the people who are going to be affected, because oftentimes, they’re able to give me a perspective or make me think about things that maybe I hadn’t considered. And whether that’s families and kids, staff, frontline staff, clinical staff, there’s so many different people who are potentially affected by decisions we make. You need to consider it all. I’m not saying drag out decisions for six months at a time, but just be intentional about having the right people at the table to make the best decisions.
What you see is what you get. I don’t like making decisions behind closed doors. Transparency is very important because, even if people don’t like the decisions we make, they understand the why behind it. It’s important to be able to say, this is what we’re doing, and this is why we’re doing it, because I have found that even if people don’t like the decision that was made, if they can understand it, it’s easier to accept, and facilitate implementation of it.
What drives you to continue working in this field, despite the challenges and complexities?
It’s the kids who don’t have people. They don’t have family. They don’t have a circle of support. It’s something that has always kind of irritated me, because I recognized very early in my career that there were certain privileges that I had that a lot of people didn’t. And whether you’re talking about the fact that I’m a white female, whether you’re talking about the fact that I had an intact family, that I was raised with two parents, that I was able to go to school, without bouncing from placement to placement and not knowing where I was going to lay my head. It doesn’t matter. I am very cognizant of the fact that the life I’ve had is not like the lives of the kids that we serve. And when I was in graduate school, I did a lot of work with a national child advocacy nonprofit – that’s when it all fell into place for me. This is why I get up every day. It is because these kids have been labeled as unadoptable.
Are you a dog or a cat person?
I like cats, but I’m definitely a dog person. I have two: Roux and Ace.
What are you reading now?
I am reading Joan Garry’s Guide to Nonprofit Leadership.
What are skills you’ve developed in your life that help you now?
I think one of the biggest skills is listening and not always participating in a conversation … just kind of sitting back and observing. I find a lot of times I can pick up on verbal cues from watching people. It’s not necessarily something I want to bring up in the conversation I’m in, but instead as a ‘Hey, I want to circle back around and talk about this. I noticed you seemed put off by this comment, or bothered by it, or it kind of looked like you might have had an additional idea, but I didn’t hear you share it.’ I’ve learned to sit back and watch as much as I participate in things, because it’s amazing what you can learn.
Who are the people in your life who have inspired you personally or professionally?
I think the first real, true inspiration I had was my grandmother. She and I had a very unique relationship. She was my person, and I was lucky to have her for the majority of my life. She’s been gone now about seven years, but she was tenacious and just a ball of fire and was the ultimate southern lady. But when she was behind closed doors with you, she’d tell you exactly what she thought. Her life was not easy. She grew up during the Depression. She and my grandfather married after World War II; then she had multiple miscarriages before and after giving birth to my dad and uncle.
My grandfather passed away when my uncle was only seven, so I never knew him. He died four years before I was born. So, she went back to school, got a job, and took care of things that she wasn’t traditionally used to taking care of because her husband did. It’s the way things were, but she went back to school at night while teaching during the day. She taught Catholic school for over 30 years. With her what you saw was what you got. If she said she was going to do it, you could count on it. She wasn’t wasteful. She was very, very spiritual. We knew if we were going to Grandma’s, you could bank on going to four clock mass starting in the afternoon, and you better bring a dress, because you don’t go to church in pants. She loved her family fiercely, loved her friends the same. She was always happy. Even when she had nothing, she was happy. She really pushed us to get our education. I was indecisive about going to graduate school. I didn’t know how I was going to work full time, take care of my kids, and go to school. I was talking to her on the phone, and she told me to quit my complaining and get with it.
What would you say matters most to you?
Family. We have a blended family. I have six kids in total: four of them are my husband’s and two are mine. We don’t have any children together. It was funny, because when we got married, people would ask us if we were going to have babies, and I would say, ‘Are you crazy? They [our kids] are old enough to pair off and go do stuff together!’
How do you help or mentor colleagues?
I have really strong relationships with the people who work for me. I believe in giving honest feedback, and I don’t even like to call it constructive criticism, because I think that can sometimes have a negative connotation. I am intentional about the feedback that is provided, recognizing what they’re doing well, and then saying, ‘You know, I’m seeing you do A, B and C just amazingly well. I like this, and I like this, and this is really strong, but an opportunity for growth might be this.’ I believe what you say is as important as how you say it to somebody. I try to pull from my own experiences, and say, ‘Look, this was my experience, and it may work for you, and it may not, and there may be something you can glean from it’, because I don’t necessarily think there’s only one right way to do anything. I’ve taken experiences from my own coaching and mentoring with my supervisors and listened and thought, ‘Oh, I really like that, but I’ve got to tweak it to make it work for me. I really work to try and create that same environment with people who seek guidance from me.
Three words that best describe you? Honest, trustworthy, and tenacious.